Smart Eye provides eye tracking software for especially automotive applications but addresses customers in defence, aircraft and academic research as well.


STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Redeye höjer det rimliga värdet för Smart Eye till 220 kronor per aktie, från tidigare 193 kronor, i ett basscenario. Det framgår av en analys. Analysfirman förutser ett starkt nyhetsflöde från Smart Eye de kommande månaderna och menar att det borde lyfta aktien.

Smart Eye: Redeye: Smart Eye - Back in the driver's seat. Smart Eye AB. Smart Eye has received 13 design wins from a new premium OEM customer for all car models on a new platform - a roll-out a lot more aggressive than we expected. Read more and download the Research Update: SMART EYE: REDEYE HÖJER BASVÄRDERING TILL 270 KR (241) 2021-03-03 08:00 · MFN Redeye: Smart Eye - Open Your Eyes; 2021-02-24 08:53 · Nyhetsbyrån Direkt SMART EYE: FOKUS PÅ RADEN AV STORA UPPHANDLINGAR 2021 ENLIGT VD Redeye: Smart Eye – Expected but irrational drop. Read more and download the research update: REDEYE wi-fi 360 Fish eye Panoramic Camera. Rated 0 out of 5 ৳ 2,750.00 ৳ 2,150.00. Add to cart.

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Ask about: Duration,  Clinique Smart Custom Repair Eye Treatment All Skin Types 0.5oz/15ml: Beauty. 5 jun 2018 Smart Eyes, CFO Anders Lyrheden presenterar på Redeye Growth Day 4 juni. Redeye raises the fair value range due to higher long-term DMS volume estimates on the back of the new, major Chinese OEM. As this is one  Redeye has gained higher conviction regarding our thesis that Smart Eye is the market leader, i.e. the king of DMS. On the back of the SEK 189m directed share  Smart Eye: All Hail the King of DMS. Redeye Research Update. 2020-03-20. Redeye raises long-term estimates and valuation following breaking news about no  Smart Eye har nyligen fått en uppjusterad värdering av Redeye och aktien handlas i skrivande stund lägre än Redeye Bear Case.

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However, we expect a short-term drop from profit taking, following a surge of about 70% during the past two months. REDEYE wi-fi 360 Fish eye Panoramic Camera. Rated 0 out of 5 ৳ 2,750.00 ৳ 2,150.00.

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Redeye: Smart Eye - Maintaining high speed mån, feb 11, 2019 07:55 CET. We have updated our reserach after Q4 and increased our valuation. Most notably, we have revised our take on Volvo and now expect Smart Eye to win Volvo.

Ask about: Duration,  Clinique Smart Custom Repair Eye Treatment All Skin Types 0.5oz/15ml: Beauty. 5 jun 2018 Smart Eyes, CFO Anders Lyrheden presenterar på Redeye Growth Day 4 juni. Redeye raises the fair value range due to higher long-term DMS volume estimates on the back of the new, major Chinese OEM. As this is one  Redeye has gained higher conviction regarding our thesis that Smart Eye is the market leader, i.e. the king of DMS. On the back of the SEK 189m directed share  Smart Eye: All Hail the King of DMS. Redeye Research Update. 2020-03-20. Redeye raises long-term estimates and valuation following breaking news about no  Smart Eye har nyligen fått en uppjusterad värdering av Redeye och aktien handlas i skrivande stund lägre än Redeye Bear Case.

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Shares have traded down -29% since the top in April due to lack of news, but we see no changes in the fundamentals of the STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Analyshuset Redeye höjer det rimliga värdet för Smart Eye till 193 kronor per aktie, från tidigare 160 kronor, i sitt basscenario. Smart Eye: Redeye: Smart Eye - Back in the driver's seat. Smart Eye AB. Smart Eye has received 13 design wins from a new premium OEM customer for all car models on a new platform - a roll-out a lot more aggressive than we expected. Read more and download the Research Update: SMART EYE: REDEYE HÖJER BASVÄRDERING TILL 270 KR (241) 2021-03-03 08:00 · MFN Redeye: Smart Eye - Open Your Eyes; 2021-02-24 08:53 · Nyhetsbyrån Direkt SMART EYE: FOKUS PÅ RADEN AV STORA UPPHANDLINGAR 2021 ENLIGT VD Redeye: Smart Eye – Expected but irrational drop. Read more and download the research update: REDEYE wi-fi 360 Fish eye Panoramic Camera.
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Its normal while using flash in  Smart Speaker; Like us on Facebook · Follow us on Twitter · VIP · Home · Shows · KMJ On Air Lineup Red Eye Radio. ON AIR: Monday – Friday 12:00 AM  Kjøp Smart Eye AB (SEYE) aksjen. Hos Nordnet SMART EYE: REDEYE HÖJER BASVÄRDERING TILL 270 KR (241) Redeye: Smart Eye - Open Your Eyes  26 Jun 2015 For many, a trip to the local swimming pool also results in red, itchy eyes.

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Hitta information om Redeye AB. Adress: Mäster Samuelsgatan 42, Postnummer: 111 57. Telefon: 08-545 013 ..

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